Archive for November, 2008

For those who have ears to hear
November 30, 2008

As I drove home past tree after tree I began to wonder about they’re plight and that age old question…..

If a tree falls in the woods does it makes a sound?

Is the lone troubadour heard as he plays into the foggy night?

Does the forsaken child make a sound in her abandonment?

Was the Son of man heard as he took his final breathes upon that tree?

Does the weeping of the lonely man penetrate an ear?

Depends on who’s listening.

But The God of all hears his creation grown.

He listens intimately to all that he gave power to make sound.

I am heard.

You don’t spit on Superman’s Cape
November 28, 2008

I used to play dress up as a kid, ok even as an adult. Dressing in superhero costumes becoming something more than I was. Running around in my Batman cape and cowl I thought that I was so cool and untouchable. And as I started to think about those past days of dress up I realized that they really aren’t so much in the past. I still play dress up wearing the latest fashions. Being trendy or functional. But why do we dress the way we dress and wear the things we wear? Maybe we never stopped playing those dress up games but now we become untouchable by looking like everyone else. It’s not the clothes that make the man but is sure gives and idea about who they’re trying to be. We trade the tights for trendy jeans and masks for beanies but in reality aren’t we all just wearing a costume that protects our secret identities from the world. Maybe it’s just to live and fight for another day. Maybe we just know there’s something worth protecting but in our own ways we’re all wearing a big red cape.

Giving of Thanks
November 28, 2008

What is this day? Why do we gather with those closest to us and eat our stuffed meat and mashed carbohydrates with all acutraments? Is it to celebrate that one time we supposedly ate with those one indian guys eating out of that plentiful cornucopia and singing Kumbyah?
So why this Holiday? What do we do with it?
We find new meaning and look at it from a new lens. We look into this world and pull out what is good and what there is to give thanks for. Once all the bullshit is stripped away what is left? That’s what we are thankful for. We can lose everything and what is left standing there is where we find that sense of gratitude. It’s not what your thankful for it’s just that you give thanks.

I am thankful for…

The cue tip
egg nog
the first drop of rain that falls right on your nose
v necks
wool socks
the cool side of the pillow
Old Photo albums
falling leaves
the word cornucopia
Comic books

Reach out and touch someone
November 2, 2008

It really is amazing how important simple human touch is. This weekend I spent my time with a group of youth pastors a lot of people I’ve come to know, respect and look up to. While in a meeting one of them just reaches over and starts to massage my shoulders just as naturally as possible. And I just start to melt; one because my back has been in knots for a  while but also because I couldn’t remember the last time I had really been touched. Its the strangest thing; I almost began to tear up. It’s a funny thought but it really meant a lot. Looking at it this way many of us are rather limited with are human touch. We don’t just really touch each other. We all seem to have this bubble that none of us are willing to break. No wonder why people to end up in conflict. We seek out what we need sometimes in the worst of ways. We find ways to collide just so we can feel something. We weren’t created to be alone. We need each other to lean on to crash into. Jesus incorporated touch in his ministry a lot. He knew that beyond words a simple touch can change someone’s entire world. 

…..Have you hugged someone today?