25 and the time space continuum

An expert from Donald Miller’s Blog: A great life must be planned. I’m certain to get some push back on this one. There are, of course, many exceptions, and we are in no way in complete control of our lives, however, I’d argue that a person who plans out a year is going to have a more interesting year than a person that just lets whatever happens happen. I think it’s true in our work and in our relationships. A person who has a vision of a great relationship with their children and sits down for a week to plan out what those relationships might look like is going to have more success than a person who doesn’t. There is nothing sinful about being intentional. God may change our path, but I don’t think that’s an excuse to sit on a couch and not move forward.

This is one aspect of my story that I am now starting to realize I’ve never done. I am the complete opposite of a planner; in fact most of my life has been in rebellion of a planned life. I fight to live haphazardly at best. But as I sit on a couch in my father’s house in my home town it has become hard to argue this line of thinking it working well for me. I once made a promise to my mother on her death-bed that I would do something with my life, something she could look down and see and be proud knowing I’ve lived well with my blessings blessing others. I’ve squandered away all my money, as I sit here I have only a few dollars to my name and a lot of debt with little hope to climb out soon. I work at a restaurant that hasn’t given me enough of a living to even support myself living for free. I’d say it’s safe to say that somewhere my plan for no plan took a wrong turn. In order to fill my void of a lack of purpose I turned to drinking regularly, promiscuous relationships and escapism through media. I found a way to be complacent as a way to survive. Through this I lost a loving relationship and a good friend.

All this rambling confession is to say that an unplanned life is great if you don’t want much of a life at all.  I got to my 25th year without a lot to show. So for now it’s time to make some plans…….. perhaps I will share these plans later.

What I know right now is that Christ died in order to give life and life to the fullest not for later but for right now. And who am I to squander that?

One Response

  1. i also live rather unplanned and find it invigorating yet also tiring. i wonder where one may find the proper balance. i hear you

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